Treatment for Headache
Treatment for headache
This is experience from my massage treatment and what I learn from TCM
back of headache(feel cold, catch wind from cold weather or A/C)
temporal headache(tension headache or feel cold and warm, heat flash, more from the female period, or overuse eye, or sleep too late)
Front headache(headache with dizziness or nausea, more from digestion issues)
the treatment I learned or heard from school or other therapists:
the trigger point for muscles around the head,
release neck muscles scalene, and SCM, press the nerves on the back of the neck, cause headaches
muscles massage and exercise program for scalene and SCM muscles
I learned from TCM meridian line
three lines all from head to toes
Acupuncture or acupressure will treat feet for headache
assess different meridian line
bladder line for the back of headache
gallbladder line for temporal headache
stomach line for front headache
Will take a pulse, and assess muscle to found blocking area, or Muscles very tight from head to toes.
Then treat most ropy or knot areas.
Most times people feel headaches better after 3-5 times.
It like posture problems, feet tight or gluts back tight will all make you're leaning forward then you neck muscle has more pressure to support your neck, then press the nerves
Will similar, find which line blocking, then maybe focus on your line, maybe put the needle on head back or feet,
In TCM, we say” good TCM treat headache will always treat feet.”
Warning or must know
Each patient will respond to treatment differently. We can’t guarantee result
We do not recommend you use this technique, treat yourself
only. You must see a doctor or health practitioner for advice and assessment
Headache may from different dangerous conditions from heart, brain, or cancer, Must see doctors before you get massage or acupuncture treatment