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if you sleep light or wake up early, Left foot(for better digestion)

if you hard to fall asleep, or wake up before 3 pm, Right foot.(for liver store and process blood)

trial: I use an apple watch to monitor my sleep, every time I massage my Left foot for 20min, my deep sleep time will increase to more than 2 hours before my deep sleep time only 40min around. I had bad digestion

when I feel hard to sleep, or coffee afternoon, I massage my right foot.

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In Fengshui, live different positions of the house may change a life.

What I learn is couples who want to create a Business must need live west-north side of the house, it can give you more energy to do that.

Just personal experience, before I live west position, I don’t want to work more than 4days, I feel like I need more time for rest and fun.

Last year I moved an apartment, the bedroom is west-north side. In Fengshui said, position will change your mind in 3years. After one year, I work 6 days a week now

I feel ok. I still learning and doing my research in massage, also running my Business ok as well. I don’t feel tired and pressured. I feel I like it.

I also feel if I retired will be boring, just eat and watch TV, I can’t play video games or travel all the time.

OK! If I still live west-north, that will be the rest of my life.

I feel like I am burning myself. That is totally not me before that.

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Neck pain and Dinner

People come to get a massage because can not move their neck in the morning, 7 years I asked everyone.

“big dinner yesterday?” 90% “yes, how do you know that? “

I read a book that said in TCM 85% neck and shoulder pain, practitioners will treat digestion as well.

If you are neck and shoulder uncomfortable all the time, the first time is to make sure to finish your dinner before 7 pm.

other things, you may need to think about other habits not good for your digestion.

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